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Text File  |  1996-05-28  |  20KB  |  270 lines

  2. Zip Name     Program Name                                Author
  3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. 3BJUG130.ZIP 3-Ball Juggler V1.30                       First Magnitude
  5. 3DFUN10.ZIP  3D Fun & Magic Stereogram Generator V1.0   Pik A Program, Inc.
  6. BCOMP510.ZIP A Bible Companion V5.10                    Softword Technology
  7. HORSEA13.ZIP A Day At The Races V1.3                    Latticework Software
  8. COLOR.ZIP    A Little Painter V1.0                      PSG-Homecraft
  9. MTDOS12.ZIP  A Musical Tutorial V1.2                    Swerdfeger, Ronald
  10. MTWIN14.ZIP  A Musical Tutorial V1.4                    Swerdfeger, Ronald
  11. ACTS410.ZIP  Acts Of The Apostles V4.10                 Softword Technology
  12. ADLIB115.ZIP Address Librarian V1.15                    Turbosystemsco
  13. YTA21.ZIP    Ancient Yacht V2.1                         Latticework Software
  14. AQUEST40.ZIP Animal Quest 4.0                           Alive Software
  15. ABUGS10.ZIP  Animated Bugs                              Flix Productions
  16. ACLOCK30.ZIP Animated Clock                             Flix Productions
  17. ADDSUB10.ZIP Animated Addition And Subtraction          Flix Productions
  18. AMATH10.ZIP  Animated Math                              Flix Productions
  19. AMD30.ZIP    Animated Multipication And Division        Flix Productions
  20. AMEM30.ZIP   Animated Memory Game                       Flix Productions
  21. AMEMV10.ZIP  Animated VGA Memory Game                   Flix Productions
  22. AMON10.ZIP   Animated Money                             Flix Productions
  23. ANEWT30.ZIP  Animated New Testament                     Flix Productions
  24. AOT10.ZIP    Animated Old Testament V1.0                Flix Productions
  25. AWORDS40.ZIP Animated Words                             Flix Productions
  26. SHAPES10.ZIP Animated Shapes                            Flix Productions
  27. APLAN231.ZIP Aplan 2.31                                 Pik A Program, Inc.
  28. AUD215.ZIP   Audio Librarian V2.15                      Turbosystemsco
  29. M&L1.ZIP     Australian Myths and Legends Vol. 1        Wise Wombat Productions
  30. BANNER.ZIP   Bannerific V2.1                            Texasoft
  31. BASKETR.ZIP  Basketball Stats Power                     WISCO Computing
  32. BBS222.ZIP   BBS Access                                 Microfox Co.
  33. BTBS140.ZIP  Beat The Bomb V1.40                        First Magnitude
  34. BERTAA46.ZIP Bert's African Animals V4.6                Wierenga Software
  35. BERTCA46.ZIP Bert's Christmas V4.6                      Wierenga Software
  36. BERTDA46.ZIP Bert's Dinosaurs V4.6                      Wierenga Software
  37. BERTPA46.ZIP Bert's Prehistoric Animals V4.6            Wierenga Software
  38. BERTWA46.ZIP Bert's Whales And Dolphins V4.6            Wierenga Software
  39. BERTWN50.ZIP Bert's Dinosaurs For Windows V5.0          Wierenga Software
  40. BESTESC.ZIP  Best Of The Esc Newsletter                 R. K. West Consulting
  41. BESTTEST.ZIP Besttest V1.6                              Wiseware
  42. BXWORD12.ZIP Bible Crossword Puzzles V1.2               Softword Technology
  43. BIBLO302.ZIP Biblogic V3.02                             Biblogic Computer Services
  44. BIGMA235.ZIP Big Math Attack! V2.35                     Softword Technology
  45. BILLY40.ZIP  Billy The Kid Returns                      Alive Software
  46. BLITZC20.ZIP Blitzcopy V2.0                             Pik A Program, Inc.
  47. BL216.ZIP    Book Librarian V2.16                       Turbosystemsco
  48. BLW250.ZIP   Book Librarian For Windows V2.5            Turbosystemsco
  49. BOXER70A.ZIP Boxer/Dos 7.0A                             Boxer Software
  50. ETHIK.ZIP    Business Ethics Training Kit               Niche Software
  51. BYPHONE.ZIP  By Phone                                   Mission Critical Software
  52. NUMB54A.ZIP  By The Numbers 5.4A                        R. K. West Consulting
  53. CARDM22.ZIP  Card Match 2.2                             Castle Oaks Computer Services
  54. CTZN40.ZIP   Citizen Printer Utilities                  R. K. West Consulting
  55. CLICH20.ZIP  Cliche Finder 2.0                          R. K. West Consulting
  56. CLOCKN.ZIP   Clock In                                   Mission Critical Software
  57. CLR10.ZIP    Content Label Rateing 1.0                  R. K. West Consulting
  58. CRAYON41.ZIP Crayon Box V4.1                            Softword Technology
  59. CREAT401.ZIP Creativity Package 4.01                    R. K. West Consulting
  60. QUIZ303.ZIP  Create A Quiz V3.03                        Softword Technology
  61. FRENCHQZ.ZIP Creez Vos Tests                            Softword Technology
  62. XWDWIN21.ZIP Crossdown For Windows V 2.1                Bellotto Jr., Sam
  63. CWKIT20B.ZIP Crossword Construction Kit V2.0B           Insight Software Solutions Inc
  64. XWORD120.ZIP Crossword Challenge V1.2                   Softword Technology
  65. CROSSP7E.ZIP Crossword Power                            WISCO Computing
  66. CRSTL40.ZIP  Crystal Ball 4.0                           R. K. West Consulting
  67. CURSE31.ZIP  Curses! 3.1                                R. K. West Consulting
  68. INKJET32.ZIP D-Jet Survival Kit V3.2                    Softword Technology
  69. DC.ZIP       Dc Circuit Analysis V1.4                   Tanzella, Arthur
  70. DEBTW201.ZIP Debt Analyzer For Windows V2.01            Insight Software Solutions Inc
  71. DCTS.ZIP     Developing Critical Thinking Skills        Merit Audio Visual
  72. DPR.ZIP      Diagnostic Prescriptive Reading            Merit Audio Visual
  73. DINOP40.ZIP  Dinosaur Predators 4.0                     Alive Software
  74. DNOTE412.ZIP Disk Note Librarian V4.12                  Softword Technology
  75. DOTMAN12.ZIP Dot-Mania V1.2                             Model Systems
  76. EWATCH35.ZIP Earthwatch                                 Elanware, Inc.
  77. ED23.ZIP     Editeur V2.3                               Pik A Program, Inc.
  78. ETEXT302.ZIP Electronic Text Publishing System V3.02    Softword Technology
  79. EMXWIN20.ZIP Enigma Cross For Windows V2.0              Bellotto Jr., Sam
  80. ENV416.ZIP   Envelopes Plus...V4.16                     Softword Technology
  81. ESLDEM.ZIP   ESL Demons                                 Merit Audio Visual
  82. EZT230.ZIP   EZ-Tree Genealogy System                   Microfox Co.
  83. FARMWN50.ZIP Farm Animals For Windows V5.0              Wierenga Software
  84. FASTYP50.ZIP Fastype V5.0 For Windows                   Trendtech
  85. FED114.ZIP   FED Forms Editor                           Microfox Co.
  86. FILEX104.ZIP File-Ex V1.04                              Cottonwood Software
  87. FMGRD209.ZIP FM Guard V2.09                             Pik A Program, Inc.
  88. FMSNT335.ZIP FM Stepup For Windows Nt V3.35             Pik A Program, Inc.
  89. FMSU327.ZIP  FM Stepup V3.27                            Pik A Program, Inc.
  90. FMTB225.ZIP  Fm Toolbar V 2.25                          Pik A Program, Inc.
  91. FORT44A.ZIP  Fortune Teller 4.4A                        R. K. West Consulting
  92. FRONT310.ZIP Frontlets (For Dos) V3.10                  Softword Technology
  93. FRONTW13.ZIP Frontlets For Windows V1.3                 Softword Technology
  94. G7AC21.ZIP   Gen7 Accountant Module 2.1                 Synergistic Consultants Inc
  95. G7CLED17.ZIP Gen7 Command Line Editor V 1.7             Synergistic Consultants Inc
  96. G7CM21.ZIP   Gen7 Compression Module 2.1                Synergistic Consultants Inc
  97. G7OT21.ZIP   Gen7 Old Testament Bible Study 2.1         Synergistic Consultants Inc
  98. G7PR21.ZIP   Gen7 Program Manager 2.1                   Synergistic Consultants Inc
  99. G7SO21.ZIP   Gen7 Song Database 2.1                     Synergistic Consultants Inc
  100. G7TU21.ZIP   Gen7 Children's Tutors 2.1                 Synergistic Consultants Inc
  101. G7VO21.ZIP   Gen7 Voice Module Dataset 2.1              Synergistic Consultants Inc
  102. G7NT21.ZIP   Gen7 New Testament Bible Study 2.1         Synergistic Consultants Inc.
  103. GEO47.ZIP    Geomancy 4.7                               R. K. West Consulting
  104. GEOUSA20.ZIP GEOUSA V2.0                                On-Target Software
  105. GOSPEL22.ZIP Gospel Parallels V2.2                      Softword Technology
  106. GRADEP4U.ZIP Gradebook Power                            WISCO Computing
  107. SKILLS3D.ZIP Grading Skills Power                       WISCO Computing
  108. GRAMSLAM.ZIP Grammar Slammer V1.0                       Bair, James
  109. GDEMON.ZIP   Grammar Demons                             Merit Audio Visual
  110. GRAPHPRO.ZIP Graphic Pro                                Dareware
  111. GTIDSK12.ZIP GTI Desktop V1.2                           Pik A Program, Inc.
  112. GTIWRD21.ZIP GTI Wordgrid V2.1                          Pik A Program, Inc.
  113. HDM503.ZIP   HDM (Hard Disk Menu)                       Microfox Co.
  114. HERBS.ZIP    Healing Herbs                              R. K. West Consulting
  115. HFC162.ZIP   Hebrew Flashcards V1.62                    Softword Technology
  116. HAL110.ZIP   Here A Little, There A Little...v1.10      Softword Technology
  117. HINTHUNT.ZIP Hint-Hunt 2.4S                             Castle Oaks Computer Services
  118. HOME27.ZIP   Home Plan 2.7                              Home Plan
  119. HOMEM.ZIP    Home Multimedia Database                   PSG-Homecraft
  120. LOAN300.ZIP  Home Loan Diary V3.0                       Softword Technology
  121. HR315.ZIP    Household Register V3.15                   Turbosystemsco
  122. HRW410.ZIP   Household Register For Windows 4.10        Turbosystemsco
  123. HURKLE.ZIP   Hurkle 2.2                                 Castle Oaks Computer Services
  124. IMOUTB.ZIP   I'M Out                                    PSG-Homecraft
  125. INGLES11.ZIP Ingles-Ingles V1.1                         Blanchard, G. B.
  126. JAP.ZIP      Japanese Business Culture                  Niche Software
  127. AJOHN30.ZIP  John's Animated Computer Game              Flix Productions
  128. KEYEX110.ZIP Keyboard Express V1.1                      Insight Software Solutions Inc
  129. KDSART11.ZIP Kid's Art 1.1                              R. K. West Consulting
  130. KJDICT13.ZIP King James Dictionary V 1.3                Softword Technology
  131. KJV110.ZIP   Kjvocabulary V1.10                         Softword Technology
  132. KNOWIT.ZIP   Know It All                                Software Avenue
  133. KSTAT40.ZIP  Kwikstat Statistical Data Analysis         Texasoft
  134. LAND351.ZIP  Landscape Explorer V3.51                   Pik A Program, Inc.
  135. LIFE25.ZIP   Life 2.5                                   Castle Oaks Computer Services
  136. LIGHTS22.ZIP Lights Go Down V2.2                        Pik A Program, Inc.
  137. LILPIC12.ZIP Lil' Picaso V1.2                           Softword Technology
  138. LLIST32.ZIP  Little Lists 3.2                           R. K. West Consulting
  139. LOGIC.ZIP    Logic Circut Analysis V1.1                 Tanzella, Arthur
  140. MCRAYO40.ZIP Magic Crayon 4.0                           Alive Software
  141. MAND56A.ZIP  Mandelbrot/Julia Set V5.6                  Wierenga Software
  142. MSAMP130.ZIP Math Sampler V1.30                         First Magnitude
  143. FRACTION.ZIP Math Attack Ii: Fractions V1.0             Veenetronics Corporation
  144. MATHGAME.ZIP Mathgame                                   Texasoft
  145. MAYAN38A.ZIP Mayan Calendar 3.8A                        R. K. West Consulting
  146. MVERS341.ZIP Memory Verse V3.41                         Softword Technology
  147. MBS103.ZIP   Microfox Baseball Statistics 1.03          Microfox Co.
  148. MBS106.ZIP   Microfox Baseball Statistics For Win 1.06  Microfox Co.
  149. MART30.ZIP   Midiart V3.0                               Pik A Program, Inc.
  150. MIDILANG.ZIP Midilang                                   Pik A Program, Inc.
  151. MATHCH41.ZIP Math Challenge V4.1                        Just For Me Software
  152. MPLUS24A.ZIP Mplus 2.4A                                 R. K. West Consulting
  153. MMMWIN1.ZIP  Multimedia Maker Demo                      Dareware
  154. PLAYER.ZIP   Multimedia Player For Windows              Dareware
  155. MXDB.ZIP     MX Shareware Database V1.96                MicroExcel Software
  156. OLYMPI16.ZIP Olympiad 1.6                               Nine-Patch Software
  157. ORBOTS.ZIP   Orbots, The Game                           Pik A Program, Inc.
  158. BOOKS7.ZIP   Organize: Your Books                       PSG-Homecraft
  159. BOOKSM.ZIP   Organize: Your Books                       PSG-Homecraft
  160. CARDS7.ZIP   Organize: Your Sports Cards                PSG-Homecraft
  161. MUSIC7.ZIP   Organize: Your Music                       PSG-Homecraft
  162. MUSICM.ZIP   Organize: Your Music                       PSG-Homecraft
  163. STAMP7.ZIP   Organize: Your Stamps                      PSG-Homecraft
  164. VIDEO7.ZIP   Organize: Your Videos                      PSG-Homecraft
  165. VIDEOM.ZIP   Organize: Your Videos                      PSG-Homecraft
  166. PARABLES.ZIP Parables Of The Messiah V1.26.96           Softword Technology
  167. PPUNCH.ZIP   Paragraph Punch                            Merit Audio Visual
  168. MBINGA23.ZIP Penny Penguin's Math Bingo V2.3            Latticework Software
  169. CHALL11.ZIP  Personal Challenge 1.1                     R. K. West Consulting
  170. TAROT31.ZIP  Personal Tarot 3.1                         R. K. West Consulting
  171. PETER14.ZIP  Peter's Airplanes V1.4                     Wierenga Software
  172. PPROF25.ZIP  Piano Professor V2.50                      Softech Multimedia, Inc.
  173. PICTURID.ZIP Pictur Id                                  Mission Critical Software
  174. PNLW1.ZIP    Play 'N' Learn In Windows                  PSG-Homecraft
  175. POET25.ZIP   Poetry Generator 2.5                       R. K. West Consulting
  176. PJOKES20.ZIP Practical Jokes 2.0                        R. K. West Consulting
  177. PROVSO21.ZIP Proverbs Of Solomon V2.1                   Softword Technology
  178. QBIBLE12.ZIP Questions From The Bible V1.2              Softword Technology
  179. QIKBAR.ZIP   Quickbar                                   Mission Critical Software
  180. QUOTE102.ZIP Quote-Tris V1.02                           Softword Technology
  181. SM108.ZIP    R&R School Master For Windows V1.08        R&R Edware
  182. DOLLA26.ZIP  Rachel's Fashion Dolls V2.6                Wierenga Software
  183. RECAP51.ZIP  Recap 5.1                                  R. K. West Consulting
  184. RP3295.ZIP   Remotely Possible V1.1C                    Avalan Technology
  185. RRRET20.ZIP  Renegade Robot Retaliation V2.0            Just For Me Software
  186. LOWELL12.ZIP Reverend Lowell's Treasury Of Humor 1.2    Bardon Data Systems
  187. WEB41.ZIP    Richard Webster System 4.1                 R. K. West Consulting
  188. RABCFA12.ZIP Roxie's ABC Fish V1.2                      Latticework Software
  189. RMATFA12.ZIP Roxie's Math Fish V1.2                     Latticework Software
  190. RREAFA12.ZIP Roxie's Reading Fish V1.2                  Latticework Software
  191. SATCON11.ZIP Sat Scores Converter 1.1                   Bair, James
  192. CLRBK15.ZIP  School-Mom For Windows, Vol. 1, V1.5       Motes Educational Software
  193. SCLMOM62.ZIP School-Mom Plus For Dos 6.2                Motes Educational Software
  194. WMATH10.ZIP  School Mom For Windows Vol. 3              Motes Educational Software
  195. WSPELL10.ZIP School-Mom For Windows Vol. 2, V1.0        Motes Educational Software
  196. SF101.ZIP    Science Fair Graphs And Numbers            Texasoft
  197. SQ504.ZIP    Scripture Quest V5.04                      Softword Technology
  198. SCUBA40.ZIP  Scubaman's Quest 4.0                       Alive Software
  199. SEE510.ZIP   See                                        Microfox Co.
  200. SPELL210.ZIP Show 'N Spell V2.10                        Softword Technology
  201. TKB250.ZIP   SmartTracker Books V2.5                    Insight Software Solutions Inc
  202. TKC250.ZIP   SmartTracker Coins V2.5                    Insight Software Solutions Inc
  203. TKH250.ZIP   SmartTracker Inventory V2.5                Insight Software Solutions Inc
  204. TKS250.ZIP   SmartTracker Stamps V2.5                   Insight Software Solutions Inc
  205. TKV250.ZIP   SmartTracker Videos V2.5                   Insight Software Solutions Inc
  206. SMI95V13.ZIP Smilershell/95                             Bardon Data Systems
  207. SMISH314.ZIP Smilershell 3.1                            Bardon Data Systems
  208. SPANH16.ZIP  Spanish Helper V1.6                        Blanchard, G. B.
  209. SPELLGM.ZIP  Spell Games                                Texasoft
  210. SPREAD.ZIP   Spread 'Em Out V 1.1                       Pik A Program, Inc.
  211. STAFFIT.ZIP  Staffit                                    Mission Critical Software
  212. SPRSOL13.ZIP Super Marble Solitaire V1.3                Sawade, Rennie
  213. SURVEY3B.ZIP Survey Power                               WISCO Computing
  214. TADOSTSR.ZIP TADOSTSR                                   Mission Critical Software
  215. BABYSIT1.ZIP Talking Babysitter                         Dareware
  216. NUMBERS.ZIP  Talking Numbers For Windows                Dareware
  217. PHONICSW.ZIP Talking Phonics                            Dareware
  218. SPANISH#.ZIP Talking Spanish - 2 Disks                  Dareware
  219. SPELLIN1.ZIP Talking Spelling                           Dareware
  220. TEACHWIN.ZIP Talking Teacher For Windows                Dareware
  221. ALPHA10.ZIP  The Animated Alphabet                      Flix Productions
  222. TCNDOS31.ZIP The Constitution Notebook For Dos V3.1     TCNBP Company
  223. TCNWIN31.ZIP The Constitution Notebook For Windows V3.1 TCNBP Company
  224. VEND30GB.ZIP The Disk Vendor V3.0Gb                     Softword Technology
  225. VINE410.ZIP  The Grape Vine V4.10                       Softword Technology
  226. PHANTOM.ZIP  The Phantom At The Elementary School       PSG-Homecraft
  227. PHRO1.ZIP    The Photo Robot V1.0                       PSG-Homecraft
  228. SAVER250.ZIP The Paper Saver V2.50                      Softword Technology
  229. TOWERS14.ZIP Towers 1.4                                 Castle Oaks Computer Services
  230. TRAC.ZIP     Training Computer                          Castle Oaks Computer Services
  231. TRAINE19.ZIP Trainer 1.9                                Nine-Patch Software
  232. TRUEMC26.ZIP True Multiple-Choice V 2.6                 Nine-Patch Software
  233. TRUEMD23.ZIP True Multiple-Choice Dos 2.3               Nine-Patch Software
  234. TYPEGAME.ZIP Type Games                                 Texasoft
  235. TYPEIT20.ZIP Type-It V2.01                              Softword Technology
  236. VGACON40.ZIP VGA Concentrate 4.0                        Alive Software
  237. VGAJIG40.ZIP VGA Jigsaw 4.0                             Alive Software
  238. VNDVUW10.ZIP VendView For Windows V1.00                 Ram's Island Software
  239. SAT-VV23.ZIP Verbal Vanquish 2.3                        Bair, James
  240. VLB415.ZIP   Video Librarian V4.15                      Turbosystemsco
  241. VLW410.ZIP   Video Librarian For Windows V4.10          Turbosystemsco
  242. VOCABP3C.ZIP Vocabulary Power                           WISCO Computing
  243. WSPELL11.ZIP Weekly Speller V1.1                        Swerdfeger, Ronald
  244. WHATID.ZIP   What I Did                                 Mission Critical Software
  245. WDA.ZIP      Who Discovered Australia?                  Wise Wombat Productions
  246. WINU203.ZIP  Win U 2.0                                  Bardon Data Systems
  247. WINALT21.ZIP Winalter V2.1                              Bair, James
  248. WINBRI13.ZIP WinBridge V 1.3                            Pik A Program, Inc.
  249. FLASH_31.ZIP WinFlash V3.1                              Open Windows
  250. JOTTR_10.ZIP WinJottr V1.0                              Open Windows
  251. KILLR_11.ZIP WinKillr V1.1                              Open Windows
  252. WINKS41.ZIP  Winks V4.1                                 Texasoft
  253. PRICE_10.ZIP Winprice V1.0                              Open Windows
  254. UPD8R_42.ZIP WINUpD8R V4.2                              Open Windows
  255. WIRELESS.ZIP Wireless                                   Mission Critical Software
  256. OWLCATV9.ZIP Wiseowl Shareware Catalog V9.0 C           Wise Owl Shareware
  257. WIZART.ZIP   WizArt V1.0                                Tannian, Jack
  258. WONDER.ZIP   Wonder Word                                Software Avenue
  259. WORDW110.ZIP Word Wrestle V1.1                          Insight Software Solutions Inc
  260. WSKIT20C.ZIP Word Search Construction Kit V2.0C         Insight Software Solutions Inc
  261. WWSRCH30.ZIP Word Search Rampage V3.0                   Insight Software Solutions Inc
  262. WDTX21.ZIP   WordTrix For Windows 2.1                   Tea Time Software
  263. WORK431.ZIP  Workbase 4.31                              R. K. West Consulting
  264. ICHING12.ZIP Wynter Stone's I Ching 1.2                 R. K. West Consulting
  265. XYSEE4A.ZIP  XYSee 4.0A                                 Insight Advantage
  266. ESP15.ZIP    Your ESP 1.5                               R. K. West Consulting
  267. ZZCOLR32.ZIP Z And Z Color 3.2                          Z&Z Software
  268. ZZPUZZ11.ZIP Z And Z Puzzle 1.1                         Z&Z Software
  269. ZIPEX110.ZIP Zip Express V1.1                           Insight Software Solutions Inc